Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Photograph Food & Hennessy X.O Appreciation Grows Gastronomy 2011 with Chef Cheong Liew

Make no mistakes about it that everyone, and I mean everyone, can take photographs of food. It's blatantly easy, all you need is a camera, and you start shooting. Viola. Food shots. But making a dish look like culinary pornography, that's a whole different thing all together - it's an art form that only a handful can master. Ask the Queen of DSLR! But what she'll tell you is that it requires a little more skill than just owning a good camera and tough luck trying to get her as your shifu. She's one busy woman.

I'm no expert at it and I'm still looking over her shoulders to learn a trick or two. Until I've earned my stripes and able to advise you what to do, I should perhaps leave it to the experts to show you how food porn is properly done. Here's a very good video guide on How to To Shoot Food Photography by the Fstoppers.

But you know what I think, being able to photograph a dish that is already beautiful to begin with makes a whole lot of difference. I've been lucky enough to come across many wonderful and visually delighting creations in the past. And come next week, when the good people behind the Hennessy X.O Appreciation Grows Gastronomy 2011 host their first installment of this year's event, I know I'm going to be in for an evening of photographic and gastronomic pleasure.

The dinner event will be held in the tranquil grounds of the sole surviving major Anglo-Indian mansion outside India, the Suffolk House in Penang. Taking place over three nights from 11 – 13 May 2011, connoisseurs of high living will experience in the finest culinary masterworks created by Australian based multi-award winning and also known by many as the inventor of Australasian Cuisine, Chef Cheong Liew.

Chef Cheong Liew

Chef Liew has been labelled as one of the 10 "hottest chefs alive" by the American Food & Wine magazine, and even inducted into the Hall of Fame in the World Food Media Awards. A incredible feat for a chef who hails from Malaysia. And I'm sure his homecoming is something to look forward to.

The chef is set to prepare a 6-course meal and naturally to be paired with Hennessy X.O. If you’re curious and would like to know what is in stall, you can take a look and salivate at the menu on the Hennessy X.O Appreciation Grows' website.

But alas, the event is strictly by invitation only. Now, my only concern is getting a seat right next to the Queen and watch her every move as she photographs the food. I hope I return with enough pictures to share with you. If all fails, I'll probably steal her camera. But don't tell her my plans. After all, she doesn't read my blog.


You can read about my experience at last year's Hennessy X.O Appreciation Grows Gastronomy 2010 HERE.


  1. Looking forward to reading ur post on this. :) *secretly kinda jealous!*
    (And good luck stealing Her Highness' camera! Lol)

  2. oooh who is this queen who doesn't read your blog? chis! i must sign up for classes with her too.

    i'm expecting you to be my date at the event, bff. :-) HUGS!

  3. Oh wonderful! Try not to miss ME too much.. HAHAHAHAHA :P

  4. Hey 'J' i'm not secretly jealous - I am openly jealous!!!
    I too am looking forward to reading your post on the event.
    if you need a photo-caddy or a food taster to assist you in this onerous task, you only have to ask!!


  5. How to shoot food photography? Bro, you could write the course in how to do food comicstrippery! :D
