Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?: How to Make an Entertaining Travel Video

Firstly, I must apologize for going on a hiatus without much of a notice. Rest assure that I've not disappear from the face of this earth. I'm still very much around - alive, but not necessarily kicking if you know what I mean. And as much as the title of this post is much related to my recent M.I.A (missing in action) status, it is purely coincidental. We'll get to that in a bit.

While I was enjoying my brief R&R period, I developed a new-found interest in videography. It was pretty easy given that everything I needed was on my iPhone, which is almost like a handy pocket knife. It could almost do everything. I'm sure they'll soon develop an app that could actually cut through worldly materials. And if they ever did, remember that I called it here first.

Now back to the videos. Videos and travels aren't exactly a new combination. Many have been recording their journeys way before the iPhones made their way into our  lives. Steve Job and his colleagues just made it easier to carry a decent quality video camera (and a whole bunch of editing tools) in our pockets now. But what I'm interested in making are travel videos that aren't exactly your regular "Hi mum, I'm here, we did this, and we're heading off there" sort. Because I know I'm much better off shooting yet another spoof of youtube sensation, Rebecca Black's ridiculous-yet-catchy "Friday" video (over 80-million hits and still counting!).

Speaking of spoofs and social media, here's an example of how to make an interesting travel video, using a mixed of photographs and video clips from the iPhone. A day before my recent trip to Bali, a particular homemade Lionel Richie missing person poster made its viral rounds on the internet, delighting people everywhere. It surely did put a smile on my sad face when I saw it. Needless to say, the headline of the poster quickly became the catchphrase of the trip and inspired a few of us to make this silly video with it.

The video was made possible with the following apps: 8MM (video) + HIPSTAMATIC (still) + iMOVIE (editor). Of course, this video wouldn't be half as entertaining without the star quality of a certain cute and hilarious Nadia. Come to think of it, it was she who showed me the Lionel Richie "Hello" poster in the first place.

So here's my little pointer:
1. Choose a story to tell other than the place you're at. Let the place you're in stay as lovely as the backdrop its meant to be.
2. Pick a few interesting and relatable subjects to talk about (food, friends, trees, animals...etc) and focus your video around it.
3. Edit it with idiot-proof video editors like iMovie or Splice. My favourite would have to be iMovie since it comes with Themes which acts as perfect visual glue to hold all the bits and pieces together.
4. Upload it instantly on your blog, youtube or even Facebook.

It is a great way to remember the trip by and I look forward to making more entertaining travel videos and I sure hope to see one of your creations soon too.

Have a good Monday now.


  1. MWUAHAHA!!! LOVELY! Welcome back to the land of the blogging.. AND to twitter.. i see the monkey's found his groove again;)

    And you kept your deadline. Impressed!

  2. Welcome back! Looks like it was a lot of fun to make. How long did it take to put together?

  3. Welcome back! :)
    ... and LOL. *applauds*

  4. Heh, I was expecting the music for this video to be either the Lionel richie or Rebecca black song :D And y'know what, if this video goes viral, people will be stopping your friend on the street everyday and asking her, 'hello, is it me you're looking for?' hopefully she won't mind =)

  5. wow at last see your update!

    thanks for the sharing about video tips :)

  6. Yes welcome back! I was thinking, after we met and you left HK, where and what have you been doing :P Well I took a bit of a hiatus too for 2 weeks keke, broken laptop and business trip is always a good excuse to take a break xD

  7. Ca't agree more! A travel vid does gives a perpective that's missing in still photos!
    I'm happy tht I managed to make a decent vid frm my Aussie trip! Such memories!! ;)

    ps: good to see u back!

  8. And I was just thinking how this Lionel Ritchie number was my current favourite guilty soppylovesong... :D
